Dancing to Joy Division

Self conquest is the greatest of victories ~ Plato

Dancing to Joy Division

Self conquest is the greatest of victories ~ Plato

On Suicide.

A man who retires from life does no harm to society: he only ceases to do good, if it is an injury, is of the lowest kind. All our obligations to do good to society seem to imply something reciprocal. I receive the benefits of society, and therefore ought to promote its interests; but when.

Into the Abyss

At the critical moment, when all else is falling apart, roads are caving in, clouds are closing in; a long darkness envelopes the mind. A darkness we created. Sometimes we forget, we lose sight, we fall over. In the darkest of nights we become the very thing we hate. We embody the very darkness we.


What does a dog owe to a dog, and a horse to a horse? Nothing, no animal depends on his life; but man having received the ray of divinity called reason, what is the result? Slavery throughout almost the whole world. Were this world what it seems that it should be, that is, if man.

An Enemy of Humanity.

It is said, to be a good patriot, one is often the enemy of the rest of humanity.To be a good patriot is to want one’s city to be enriched by commerce and powerful in arms. It is obvious that a country cannot gain unless another loses, and that it cannot vanquish without causing unhappiness..

Tim Ferriss on Learning.

A short video from Timothy Ferris (author of the 4 Hour Work Week, 4 Hour Body and 4 Hour Chef), where he discusses the idea that in order to improve our learning, we need to deconstruct what we are learning and not just apply the same old methods. If you haven’t read any of his.

A Home is not curated.

For too many people, being happy at home is pretty much an abstract idea, something they can’t know or imagine, until it appears on some taste maker’s must-have list, or in a magazine, or reposted on Tumblr. A home sweet home is not curated or produced by acquiring a perfect arrangement of chairs, lamps and.

Finance. The word of Slaves.

As soon as public service ceases to be the main concern of the citizens and they come to prefer to serve the state with their purse rather than their person, the state is already close to ruin. Are troops needed to march to war? They pay mercenaries and stay at home. Is it time to.


Every time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in its presence and thereby lose all ability to defend ourselves and those we love. In a modern economy it is impossible to seal oneself off from injustice … if we can only live once, then let it.

he perishes.

He who is unattached in all things, who neither exults in nor feels aversion for any good or evil that befalls him, is said to be steady in his wisdom. A man who contemplates the objects of sense develops an attachment to them; attachment gives rise to desire, and desire results in anger. Anger gives.

A Man Divided

It is one of those fables which out of an unknown antiquity convey an unlooked-for wisdom, that the gods, in the beginning, divided Man into men, that he might be more helpful to himself; just as the hand was divided into fingers, the better to answer its end. The old fable covers a doctrine ever.