Dancing to Joy Division

Self conquest is the greatest of victories ~ Plato

Dancing to Joy Division

Self conquest is the greatest of victories ~ Plato

On ‘Settling Down’

The phrase ‘settle down’ immediately makes me convulse; as if someone has just nailed my voodoo doll to a wall. To some this is a seemingly innocent phrase with intentions of ‘maturity’ and ‘adulthood’, while the true meaning of this phrase is deeply ingrained in the idea of giving up; with intentions of lying down.

Good and Bad Violence

It is essential to define violence in such a way that it cannot be qualified as ‘good’. The moment we claim to be able to distinguish ‘good’ violence from ‘bad’, we lose the proper use of the word, and get into a muddle. Above all, as soon as we claim to be developing criteria by.

Free Thought

We may say broadly that free thought is the best of all safeguards against freedom. Managed in a modern style the emancipation of the slave’s mind is the best way of preventing the emancipation of the slave. Teach him to worry about whether he wants to be free, and he will not free himself. G.K..

Be The Change.

There is only one correct answer to those Leftist intellectuals who desperately await  the arrival of a new revolutionary agent capable of instigating the long-expected radical social transformation. It takes the form of the old Hopi saying, with a wonderful Hegelian twist from substance to subject: “We are the ones we have been waiting for.”.

Critical Thinkers

Our society needs citizens capable of thinking and acting on their own. People who do not shy away from critical questions because they’re afraid of being disappointed. Our society needs individuals who are able to distinguish good information from bad information and to make good decisions based on that knowledge, instead of relinquishing all personal responsibility.

Try Again. Fail Again. Fail Better.

Lenin concludes: “[those] who have no illusions, who do not give way to despondency, and who preserve their strength and flexibility ‘to begin from the beginning’ over and over again in approaching an extremely difficult task, are not doomed (and in all probability will not perish).” This is Lenin at his Beckettian best, echoing the.

Finishing Old Chapters

All of the adventures in our lives can be bound and defined by chapters, with main themes and specific meaning. Characters may come and go between chapters, but each chapter is standalone; varying from University, time spent overseas, to partners and lovers. We write these as chapters because once it is over, and the pages.