Dancing to Joy Division

Self conquest is the greatest of victories ~ Plato

Dancing to Joy Division

Self conquest is the greatest of victories ~ Plato

Mindless, Primitive, Hideous Creatures …

The development of our cerebral cortex has been the greatest achievement of the evolutionary processes. Big deal. While allowing us the thrills of intellect and the pangs of self-consciousness, it is all too often overruled by our inner, instinctive brain, the one that tells us to react, not reflect, to run rather than ruminate. Maybe.

Inner Darkness

We work in the dark. We do what we can to battle the evil that would otherwise destroy us. But if a man’s character is his fate, it’s not a choice but a calling. Sometimes the weight of this burden causes us to faulter, breaching the fragile fortress of our mind. Allowing the monster without.

Losing Your Dignity

Tigh: Tell you a dirty little secret. The toughest part of getting played is losing your dignity. Feeling like you are not worth the oxygen you are sucking down. You get used to it. You start to believe it. You start to love it. It’s like a bottle that never runs dry. You can keep.

Perception of Reality

We live in a world each unto its own, where the reality is based on our perceptions and what we choose to accept. This reality is also bound by what we are told; the ‘facts’. However these facts are fickle and are easily distorted. Everything we believe and accept are driven by our emotions, which.

Life As We Know It

At times we can no longer find a reason for living or a point to our lives. However, there is always a reason to continue on in life, in dark times it is usually blinded or hidden under the emotion, hurt and sadness that suffocates our thoughts. Life is continually moving forward, changing and shaping.

Balance Point

He was staring down at the blade of the knife, showing no real expression and fearing nothing. It was a situation where any normal person would have fallen apart, but he still stood strong, staring death in the face. The sun’s glare was blocked out by his baseball cap, as it provided shade across his.