Dancing to Joy Division

Self conquest is the greatest of victories ~ Plato

Dancing to Joy Division

Self conquest is the greatest of victories ~ Plato

Month: April 2015

For those days ….

On days like today, days that everyone has from time to time, we need some light to ease the dark settling into our lungs … … Sarah Kay and spoken word poetry is always a good place to start.

Preparation for War as Oppression

We have to admit that the greatest evils which oppress civilized nations are the result of war – not so much of actual wars in the past or present as of the unremitting, indeed ever-increasing preparation for war in the future. All the resources of the state, and all the fruits of its culture which.

On the Concept of an International Right

It would be understandable for a people to say: ‘There shall be no war between us; for we will form ourselves into a sate, appointing for ourselves a supreme legislative executive and juridical power to resolve our conflicts by peaceful means.’ But if this state says: ‘There shall be no war between myself and other.